Tuesday, November 26, 2013


I have put off this season ending blog in order to collect my thoughts and emotions. Racing triathlons as a baby boomer is often not about winning your age group, but about overcoming age related injuries and challenges while achieving personal goals.  In the 2010 St George Ironman (a race course no longer contested due to the hot, humid, windy, hilly conditions) what kept me going was my desire to finish a race that included my son, and collect that stupid finishers hat that comes with the $650 entrance fee.

In relative terms,  2013 was a successful racing year for me but not without disappointments.  At local triathlon races in Arizona and Minnesota I won my age division with large margins.  The tougher tests are at the National and International races, however.  I placed 2nd at USAT Nationals and 3rd at Ironman 70.3 Worlds.  I also cancelled out of 3 races including the main focus of my 2013 plan, the ITU World Duathlon Championships.

Meanwhile, the World Championship Ironman at Kona had record breaking race conditions this year. My course record for a 65-69 year old American set in 2011 was shattered.  I changed my blog cover photo and caption accordingly.

As Reese Bobby said to Ricky Bobby in Talladega Nights, "if you ain't first you're last".  Memorable, nonsensical, and full of irony.

Following Ironman 70.3 Worlds in early September I went into training hibernation.  I was emotionally burned out from struggling through a variety of aggravating injuries while trying to build international level fitness.  Cracked ribs, pseudo gout, external compartment syndrome and finally the confirming diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis by the Mayo Clinic following my 70.3 race took the umph out of my emotions and desire to train.

What should I do as I grow older?  How about AquaBikes?  How about USA Cycling?  Both of these could be done without causing me the serious knee pain the goes with pseudo gout and arthritis. Maybe it was time to get more serious about golf?

I decided that I would not apply for "elite" status within my triathlon team, ONE Multisport.  The experience of racing as an "elite" this last year has been rewarding as the team is just a great and encouraging organization for all members regardless of their abilities.  However, I need time to sort out my future motivation and goals without the added self-imposed pressure of living up to an elite status.

My son flew to AZ in November for the purpose of volunteering at Ironman Arizona and registering for next year.  Given that he will be racing at Kona in October, another Ironman so closely bunched sounded absurd to me but he likes to bunch his triathlons.  Ah, youth.  So, like son like father, I also registered not really knowing why.  Maybe to race together again?  Maybe to put a goal out there that will cause me to rethink that golf thing?  Maybe motivation to get serious about resolving my knee pain handicap?

So, goodbye to the 2013 racing season.  Looking forward to what 2014 will bring.